Tag Archives: Astronaut Ed Lu

Grab Bag Day 5: Wiki Photo

15 Sep

This photo was the “picture of the day” at Wikimedia Commons. I have been particularly low-energy since Wednesday, so I took the whole day off and waited until midnight to even start this shorty. That puts a lot of pressure on the need to write a complete story just before turning out the light, of course, but the freedom to radically change my routine is the only thing that’s kept me going on this project. Sometimes I just can’t work on the story… until I absolutely have to work on the story. Anyway, I was totally stumped on this one. Then an old silly exercise came to me (see my “Try This” post above) and that saved my Daily Shorty butt.

Working Title: What Happened
1st Sentence: All the people you know and half-know and just barely recognize, the people milling in and out of your universe, those people, accept it now, will make up their own story about what happened.
Favorite Sentence: And when he gets to the more, the really funny stuff, the unbelievable ape-shit-crazy stuff, it will be hard to hear, knowing that you are the woman this story is about, you are the Lucille Ball of this hilarious anecdote, you are the punch line.
Word Length: 507

Photo of Hurricane Isabel taken by Astronaut Ed Lu from the International Space Station 9/2003.